Checklist for Success
A Pilot's Guide to the Successful Airline Interview
Cheryl A. Cage
136 pages
Aviation Supplies & Acad Inc
Even with a wealth of technical experience, many pilots find the pilot selection process frustrating. In addition to technical experience today’s airline pilot must also demonstrate highly developed leadership, decision-making and communication skills. Discussing one’s abilities in these introspective areas requires a different kind of preparation than most pilots have experienced.
This is where Checklist for Success comes in. Written by Cheryl Cage, whose name has become synonymous with exceptional career guidance, Checklist takes you from application through to the interview. Cheryl not only offers a step-by-step interview preparation program, but illustrates her points clearly by stepping aside often to reflect on her own experiences in counseling aspiring pilots, furloughed pilots, and career changers. The program Cheryl provides in Checklist will help lower your stress level and shorten the time it takes to reach your highest career goals.
Author Bio
Cheryl A. Cage began Cage Consulting, Inc. in 1988. Over 100,000 pilots have used the Interview Preparation and Career Planning products and services of Cage Consulting. Cheryl is the author of five aviation career books including the bestselling Checklist for Success: A Pilot's Guide to the Successful Airline Interview (with over 50,000 copies sold). In addition to her work with individual clients, Cheryl served as an independent consultant for many corporate clients such as Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Northwest Airlines, and unions including the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA).
In 1996, Cheryl developed and presented pilot interview preparation seminars to thousands of displaced ALPA pilots from Pan Am, Midway, US Airways, TWA, Air Wisconsin, West Air, and Aspen Airways to name a few. The publishing division of Cage Consulting was expanded in 1996 with several new titles included. Cheryl's career articles have appeared in numerous aviation periodicals including Flight Training, Air Line Pilot, Aviation for Women, and The Independent.
In 2004 Cheryl turned the reins of Cage Consulting over to Angela Marshall, a long-time Cage Consulting employee. In the ensuing years Cage Consulting became CageMarshall Consulting with Angela heading the organization. In 2015 Cheryl returned to CageMarshall Consulting to lead the expansion of CageMarshall's Professional Development and Career Services. Using the same approach to career consulting that has proven so successful for our aviation clients for the past twenty-seven years, CageMarshall Consulting now provides these career services to professionals outside of the aviation industry.