Fairground Physics
Motion, Momentum, and Magnets with Hands-On Science Activities
Angie Smibert Micah Rauch
128 pages
Nomad Press Llc
Head to the fair to learn about physics with cool trivia facts, hands-on science activities, and lots of accessible science!
Where can you experience the laws of motion, the fun of physics, and the chemistry of cotton candy? The fair!
In Fairground Physics: Motion, Momentum, and Magnets with Hands-On Science Activities, readers ages 9 to 12 learn about the forces that rule our world and everything in it by examining the rides, games, and even food you might find at a county fair. Ride the carousel and discover centripetal force. Throw darts at a balloon and learn about projectile science. Hop on a roller coaster and name the types of energy involved in whizzing you around the track and upside down!
Fun at the fair extends into real-life, hands-on learning that kids will keep front of mind even as they swing through the air and guzzle down some funnel cakes. This book is full of text-to-self and text-to-world connections!
• Real world science is a great way to engage kids with learning about science, and it doesn’t get much more real than at a fairground. By using examples that most kids have experienced, Fairground Physics both captures the imagination and provides a foundation of reality on which to base explanations of complex scientific concepts.
• Force, motion, and gravity affect everyone whether we take notice or not, and understanding how the laws of physics work is an essential part of understanding the physical underpinnings of our very existence.
• Fairground Physics engages readers through hands-on activities, such as designing a roller coaster and making ice cream, along with interesting trivia, fascinating sidebars, and links to online material that supports and supplements learning.
About the Build It Science set and Nomad Press
Fairground Physics is part of a set of four Build It Science books that explore accessible science. The other titles in this set are Climate Change, Backyard Biology, and Kitchen Chemistry.
Nomad Press books in the Build It series integrate content with participation. Combining content with inquiry-based projects stimulates learning and makes it active and alive. Nomad’s unique approach simultaneously grounds kids in factual knowledge while allowing them the space to be curious, creative, and critical thinkers.
All books are leveled for Guided Reading level and Lexile and align with Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.
All titles are available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook formats.
Author Bio
Angie Smibert is the author of more than 20 nonfiction books about science and technology for kids. Some of those titles include Artificial Intelligence: Thinking Machines and Smart Robots (Nomad Press 2018), and Game Logic: Level Up and Create Your Own Game (Nomad Press 2019). She also writes science fiction and fantasy for middle grade and young adult readers. Her novels include the Memento Nora and the Ghosts of Ordinary Objects series. Before writing full time, she helped pioneer online training at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. She received NASA’s prestigious Silver Snoopy as well as several other awards for her work. She lives in Roanoke, Virginia.
Micah Rauch is a freelance graphic designer and illustrator from the beautiful state of Montana. He received a BFA in graphic design from Montana State University in Bozeman Montana. He has loved the magical act of drawing his entire life and continues to learn and push his skills both as a designer and an illustrator.