Social Issues
4-Book Hardcover Set
512 pages
Nomad Press Llc
A four-book set that explores the important social issues of our time! Hands-on activities and research projects provide immersive learning for ages 12-15.In this set of four books, readers learn the history and current events behind the topics they hear about daily on the news reports. Titles include Immigration Nation: The American Identity in the Twenty-First Century; Gender Identity: Beyond Pronouns and Bathrooms; Feminism: The March Toward Equal Rights for Women; and Race Relations: The Struggle for Equality in America.
These books include hands-on activities, glossary, a digital learning component through links to primary sources, videos, and other relevant websites, and a list of current reference works, websites, and internet resources.
All books are leveled for Guided Reading level and Lexile and align with Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.