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Explore the Waterways

4-Book Hardcover Set

384 pages
Nomad Press Llc
A four-book set all about the world’s waterways! Hands-on STEM projects help readers ages 7 to 12 learn what lies beneath the surface and why it’s important.

In this set of four books from the Explore Waterways set, kids learn about the plants and animals that make water their home, and how those bodies of water form in the first place. Titles include Lakes and Ponds! With 25 Science Projects for Kids; Marshes and Swamps! With 25 Science Projects for Kids; Oceans and Seas! With 25 Science Projects for Kids; and Rivers and Streams! With 25 Science Projects for Kids.

These books include hands-on STEM activities, glossary, a digital learning component through links to primary sources, videos, and other relevant websites, and a list of current reference works, websites, and internet resources.

All books are leveled for Guided Reading level and Lexile and align with Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.