Technology Today
4-Book Hardcover Set
512 pages
Nomad Press Llc
A four-book set about technology! Hands-on STEAM projects make learning inclusive and immersive in these books for ages 9 to 12.In this set of four books for ages 9 to 12, young engineers explore the digital and tech landscapes of today and tomorrow through hands-on STEAM activities and compelling stories of how things work, who makes them work, and why. Titles include Big Data: Information in the Digital World; Industrial Design: Why Smartphones Aren’t Round and Other Mysteries; Big Data: Information in the Digital World; Projectile Science: The Physics Behind Kicking a Field Goal and Launching a Rocket; and Artificial Intelligence: Thinking Machines and Smart Robots.
These books include hands-on STEM activities, glossary, a digital learning component through links to primary sources, videos, and other relevant websites, and a list of current reference works, websites, and internet resources.
All books are leveled for Guided Reading level and Lexile and align with Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.