Explore Winter!
25 Great Ways to Learn About Winter
Maxine Anderson Alexis Frederick-Frost
96 pages
Nomad Press Llc
Young readers become scientists in the field when this activity book sends them off to answer the question "Why do we have winter?" with experiments and projects that mix real science with real fun. Combining hands-on learning with trivia, jokes, riddles, and terrific illustrations, chapters start with the "tools" of science—the scientific method and how to keep a science journal—and then investigate the winter constellations, long nights and long shadows, animal tracking in snow, and food-gathering behavior in birds.
Author Bio
Lauri Berkenkamp: Author of six books for kids. Writing under the pen name Maxine Anderson she has written Amazing Leonardo da Vinci Inventions You Can Build Yourself, which was excerpted in the New York Times Book Review and Christian Science Monitor, chosen as the #7 BookSense Children's Pick for Summer 2006.
Alexis Frederick-Frost: Alexis Frederick-Frost is an award winning cartoonist and illustrator who lives with his wife in New Hampshire.