Trying to Speak
Anele Rubin
60 pages
The Kent State University Press
Winner of the 2004 Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize
“The voice [in Anele Rubin’s poems] is so new, and yet the movement is so artful, subtle, and modest—there are never any theatrics in these poems. They never yowl, Pay attention to me! . . . Rubin is on the same wave-length with Tomas Tranströmer and Yehuda Amichai. . . . The emotional range of her poems, like theirs, is enormous, as is the range of locales, many of which I know well, and yet in Trying to Speak, they appear with a clarity that had eluded me.”— Philip Levine, Judge
“Anele Rubin’s poems illuminate an astonishing range of emotional experience. Visual, tactile, simple and complex, her words lure you from poem to poem—sometimes exquisite, sometimes austere, always original.”— Ruth Stone
“This is a powerful and beautifully lyrical book of great wisdom, whose theme is emotional resurrection.”— Toi Derricotte
Author Bio
Anele Rubin divides her time between Brooklyn and New Kingston, New York. She has degrees from Louisiana State University and New York University. Her poems have been published in River Styx, Midwest Quarterly, Great River Review, Bitter Oleander, Paterson Literary Review, Rhino, Potomac Review, and Spoon River Poetry Review.