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Stone for an Eye

Karen Craigo

20 pages
The Kent State University Press
"These 'stone' poems by Karen Craigo are reminiscent of W.S. Merwin's deep image poems or Vasko Popa's surrealist 'pebble' poems. But Craigo does Merwin and Popa one better. She manages to create an sustain a complex and shifting personal mythos without sacrificing the mystery and evocative force of the focusing image. Popa's 'pebbles' chanted a mean, gutteral, one-syllable song, but Craigo's 'stones' belt out whole operas. A brilliant debut."-George Looney
Author Bio
Karen Craigo teaches first-year composition at Bowling Green State University, where she also serves as poetry editor of Mid-American Review. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Poetry, North American Review, Crab Orchard Review, Another Chicago Magazine, Many Mountains Moving, and The Journal.