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A Guy's Journey to Servant Leadership

Doug Marsh

288 pages
General Council of The Assemblies of God
Young people are not future leaders. Young people lead everyday through their actions and attitudes, influencing friends and family. Learn how to use this influence in a positive way, to point others to Christ through Servant Leadership. Begin the life-changing journey today to become the leader God wants you to be. It won’t always be easy. It will require time, dedication, and hard work. But, as you learn to use the influence you have already been given to become a Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered leader with the heart of a servant, your journey will be an exciting adventure without end.
Author Bio
Doug Marsh devotes his life to mentoring future men as a ministry director, missionary, author, and speaker. He explains, "Today’s boy is tomorrow’s man. The choices we make as young men echo far into the future." He and his wife Kerry are the proud parents of a son Jon and daughter Katelyn. They live near Springfield, Missouri.