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Acts Commentary

Stanley M. Horton

464 pages
General Council of The Assemblies of God

Distinguished Pentecostal scholar Stanley Horton takes an in-depth look at the story of the Early Church. This powerful book is an excellent foundational study for your church staff, Sunday school class, and an important component of every pastoral library. Horton takes each Scripture to share the overarching truth that the Early Church's story is still being written in the lives of believers like us today. He brings a compelling combination of research and experience to this study of Luke's inspired record. Complete with maps, Scripture index, and subject index.

Author Bio

Stanley M. Horton is a respected theologian who holds degrees from the University of California at Berkeley, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Harvard University, and Central Bible Theological Seminary. He has dedicated years to teaching at Central Bible College and The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, Missouri, as well as, at several international schools during his extensive travels. Horton has made a notable contribution to the Pentecostal movement through his prolific writings and editorial work on such books at Systematic Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective, The Full Life Study Bible and The Complete Biblical Library.