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The New IQ

How Integrity Intelligence Serves You, Your Relationships, and Our World

308 pages
Energy Psychology Group Llc
At the beginning of the 21st century we find ourselves dizzy with resources for conscious evolution. But how do we make sense of all the techniques and traditions? Where do we begin and what takes top priority? In The New IQ, David Gruder provides a practical roadmap for personal growth that allows readers to move forward with informed integrity. By reviewing the wealth of psychological and spiritual wisdom from across history and culture, secular and sacred aspects of human experience, Gruder identifies the three core human drives: for authentic self-expression, connection with others, and to make a positive difference in the world. Providing more than just a compendious survey, he also streamlines this breadth of information in to a user-friendly version of the personal development process, helping readers identify which methods are best for them at each stage of their own work.The teachings and techniques are all out there, but not until now have they been organized and reframed for the contemporary seeker.
Author Bio
David Gruder, PhD, DCEP, is a clinical and organizational development psychologist and Chief Integrity & Collaboration Officer for Integrity Revolution in San Diego, California. A "Leader & Business Peak Performance Psychologist" and activational speaker-trainer, Dr. Gruder has been hailed by the media as "America's Integrity Expert." He is also on core faculty with the California Institute for Human Science, an Elder with the ManKind Project, and a board member and co-head of faculty for CEO Space International, an entrepreneur development organization. He was previously the co-owner of Willingness Works and the first president of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP). Dr. Gruder brings the wisdom of psychology to business, the wisdom of entrepreneurship to professionals, and the best of both to education, governance, and social change. He converts values like integrity, collaboration, and accountability into mindsets, mindsets into skills, and skills into procedures that produce sustainable productivity, profitability, and job satisfaction. Since the 1970s he has provided training and mentoring to leaders, businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies. He also had a waiting-list private psychotherapy practice from 1980 until 2000. In addition to producing over a dozen workbooks & training manuals, and 70+ audios, he has authored, co-authored and written chapters and forewords for multiple books. Books he has authored or co-authored include Sensible Self-Help (two book awards including Colliers 1997 Mental Health Book of the Year), The New IQ: How Integrity Intelligence Serves You, Your Relationships, and Our World (six book awards: Current Events in Politics & Society, Social Change, Conscious Business & Leadership, Health & Wellness, Psychology, & Self-Help), and Conversations With the King, which is the basis for the feature film Growing Up Graceland.