Your Happy Genes
Tripping Your Inner Switches for Pleasure, Success, and Relaxation
420 pages
Energy Psychology Group Llc
We've joked about having the right genes for happiness, but it turns out that we might have just that. New evidence from the emerging science of epigenetics shows that there is a complex interplay between some of our key regulatory genes, and our emotional state. The practical applications of epigenetics were summarized in two bestsellers, Bruce Lipton's The Biology of Belief and Dawson Church's The Genie in Your Genes. In this new book, Dawson Church presents, in simple, nonscientific language, the latest research on how your mental state affects these genes. He shows how belief, intention, forgiveness, meditation, altruism, optimism, and other attributes of happiness can exercise a powerful effect on our stress genes. These genes are involved with aging and immunity, and by changing our emotional state to a happier one, we turn on the genes that promote better health and longevity. He shows that the effects of these emotional practices can add many healthy years to our lives. The book is also the first to lay out a daily plan for epigenetic emotional health, which even a busy person can do in just 19 minutes a day. Inspirational, yet firmly grounded in evidence-based medicine, Your Happy Genes is a revolutionary blueprint for applying the best of modern science to create a happier and healthier future.
Author Bio
Dawson Church is an award-winning science writer with several best-selling books to his credit. The Genie in Your Genes was the first book to demonstrate that emotions drive gene expression. Mind to Matter shows that the brain creates much of what we think of as objective reality. Bliss Brain demonstrates that peak mental states rapidly remodel the brain for happiness. Spiritual Intelligence shows that every human brain contains the circuits for mystical ecstasy. Dawson has conducted dozens of clinical trials through the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare and founded the Veterans Stress Solution, which has offered free treatment to over 20,000 veterans with PTSD.