Joan Foster Sophomore
220 pages
Image Cascade Publishing
As life rolls on, there are, well, just life. Financial problems blend with personality conflicts and illness. Todd seems adrift as his interests shift. What’s happening?! Yet what to do when there is ambiguity in life? Joan begins to adjust and adapt to difficulties and obstacles. Best of all, as Joan and Todd grow in their patience and understanding, so too does their love for one another. We won’t “spoil it” for you, simply note that Joan’s story is one that could be in the 1950s or today.
Author Bio
Alice Ross Colver dreamed of writing books from early childhood. She completed her first book shortly after graduating from Wellesley College and it was immediately accepted for publication. Ms. Colver had success in publishing both young adult series as well as adult fiction. One of her most beloved series is the 6 Book Story of Joan Foster.