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Build With Living Stones

Daria Mitchell

120 pages
The Franciscan Institute
Build with Living Stones: Formation of Franciscan Life and Work is based upon the internationally recognized Comprehensive Source on the Franciscan Charism. This updated edition is a valuable resource that gives users a Franciscan view of life and work.The new Build With Living Stones is unique, in that it is genuinely inter-Franciscan. It provides the Franciscan family a creative blend of the best in current theology, Franciscan research and pastoral practice. This new edition also brings together Franciscan experts on Mission and provides resources on Franciscan life and work that are applicable in a North American context.In September of 1996, The Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University became the new center for Build With Living Stones. As such, it provides coordination of various regional programs throughout the United States and Canada, as well as preparatory workshops for teachers and facilitators. In September of 2000, the Build With Living Stones: Formation for Franciscan Life and Work was initiated. In 2010 a Facilitator’s Guide was made available online through the Franciscan Institute Publications website. The New Edition was printed in 2015.