The Well
246 pages
High-top Publishing LLC
Literary Titan Book Award Winner
American Fiction Award in Adventure Winner
American Fiction Award in Thriller Finalist
The International Book Award for Visionary Fiction Finalist
eLit Awards Medalist
R. Chapman Wesley, author of The Well, has written a book that is unique in the sense that it combines the kinds of mystical and magical mysteries found in the DaVinci Code with the type of literary phantasmagoria found in Raiders of the Lost Ark and other sci-fi adventure stories. It is difficult to wrap one's arms around its constantly evolving twists and turns traversed by Popov and Lee in what may be described as a mind-bending thriller which excites the reader's appetite for more and more intrigue and danger as they pursue a sort of medical Holy Grail.
THE WELL is highly recommended reading for those interested in scientific, political, medical, and psychological adventurism; their enthusiasm in these areas will be well satisfied. Dr. Richard Allen Williams, Professor of Medicine and Cardiology, UCLA School of Medicine.
Author Bio
About the Author, R. Chapman Wesley I was born into the midpoint of a tradition of healing spanning 3 generations between my father, a primary care physician born in rural Jim Crowe Virginia and my daughter, a dermatologist and surgeon in a Beverly Hills practice. Mine was a destiny imbued with both the science and art of healing from a very early age. As a child, I would play for hours beneath my father’s desk. For the most part, most of his patients had no idea I was there. I am convinced now that those experiences shaped in my being the power of the therapeutic relationship, culminating during my professional career in an interest in clinical hypnosis. Equally important in my perspective of healing has been rapture in the creative arts, especially dance leading to an interest in meditative movement, such as tai chi, and kung fu, and sports particularly the Ying and Yang of basketball. These experiences energized my imagination and along with an innate curiosity propelled my interest in scientific investigation and from there to the simplicity and magic of numbers. It is from these perspectives that I offer to you The Well.