The Second Eve
Cardinal John Henry Newman
112 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
What recent Popes have said about the Blessed Mother's role in the Church--especially her role as Mediatrix. Goes back to Pope Pius IX (1846-1878); compiled in 1969. Arranged by topic. A valuable source showing just what the Popes have said about Our Lady. Impr. 85 pgs,
Author Bio
John Henry Newman, C.O., was born in 1801 at London, England. After becoming an evangelical Calvinist, he converted to Catholicism from the Anglican Church in 1845, suffering broken relationships with his family as a result. He later founded the Literary and Historical Society, and published a considerable amount of works during his eighty-nine years. Some of his books include Mary: The Second Eve, Loss and Gain, Difficulties of Anglicans, Apologia Pro Vita Sua, and Development of Religious Error. Father Newman died in 1890 at Birmingham.