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The Church Teaches

Documents of the Church in English Translation

416 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
416 pages of famous dogmatic Church pronouncements: The Athanasian Creed, Oath Against Modernism, Interpretation of Sacred Scripture, Condemnation of the Modernists, Papal Infallibility, etc. Fully indexed; excellent reference! 416 pgs;
Author Bio
The Jesuit Fathers of St. Mary's College first published their extensive reference work entitled The Church Teaches in 1955 through the B. Herder Book Company. The original idea for the book was conceived by the Rev. Gerald Van Ackeren, S.J., and was prepared with his counsel and encouragement. Created mainly for college theology courses, The Church Teaches was translated and prepared for publication by Fathers Clarkson, Edwards, Kelly, and Welch, S.J. TAN copyrighted the work in 1973.