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The Reign of Antichrist

Rev. Fr. R. Gerald Culleton

233 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
Old Testament and New Testament prophecies about Antichrist plus many, many prophecies from saints and holy people. This is the best source we know of predictions about the "Man of Sin." A really accurate picture emerges from these pages. Used it as the source material for a number of dramatic videos on the subject. This book contains greater detail on the Antichrist than any other we know. 240 pgs;
Author Bio
The Rev. Father R. Gerard Culleton was a priest and author of the twentieth century. His The Reign of Antichrist serves as a definitive sourcebook on the titular topic of the Antichrist, containing many prophesies and covering both biblical and saintly aspects. Father Culleton's work was originally published in 1951 by the Academy Duplicating Service, California. It was also printed by TAN in 1974.