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St. Joseph Cafasso

Priest of the Gallows

St. John Bosco

89 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
The life of St. John Bosco's spiritual mentor and model in the priesthood, told by St. John Bosco himself. Called the "Priest of the Gallows" because he converted so many criminals on death row (and promised them immediate entrance into Heaven). Great stories show how he did it. Also, stories of how he taught young St. John Bosco to put God first. Impr. 89 pgs,
Author Bio
St. John Bosco was born in 1815 in Becchi, Italy. Prompted by the dreams of his youth to bring others toward virtue and away from vice, John eventually became a priest and began taking in orphans at a rented shed in 1846. Famous for his dedication to the well-being of street children, juvenile delinquents, and youth at a disadvantage, he believed in teaching through love rather than by punishment. Before his death on the thirty-first of January, 1888, he founded the Salesian Order and also composed The Life of St. Joseph Cafasso. John Bosco was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1934, and his feast day is celebrated on January 31st.