Las Maravillas de la Santa Misa
Spanish Edition of the Wonders of the Mass
Rev. Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P.
60 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
Las Maravillas de la Santa Misa, abriro los ojos de cualquier catolico al inmenso tesoro espiritual que poseemos en el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa. Participar en la Misa es la mejor forma de obtener gracias, misericordia y favores de Dios. Este librito puede ser el m????todo para obtener la gracia divina e incluso hasta la salvacion de muchas almas. Contiene muchas palabras que los santos han dicho sobre la Misa, historias de los angeles presentes en la Misa, milagros que han ocurrido durante su celebracion y los beneficios de esta. Este librito revela uno de los mas grandes secretos en el universo: No hay nada parecido en la tierra a la Misa.This booklet, The Wonders of the Mass, will open the eyes of almost all Catholics to the immense spiritual treasure we possess in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Participating in the Mass is the best way to obtain graces, mercies and favors from God-and never did we need these so much as today! Thus, this little book can well be the way of grace and even of salvation for many souls. This booklet lists remarkable quotes of the Saints and holy writers regarding the Mass, stories about angels present in the Mass, miracles that took place during the celebration of the Mass. This booklet reveals one of the greatest secrets in the whole universe: There is nothing else on earth equal to the Mass and nothing greater in all of Heaven.
Author Bio
Father Paul O'Sullivan, O.P., was born on February 7, 1871. After studying in Dublin, he went on to Rome, where he was ordained a Dominican. He then pursued a Lectorate degree for theology, which in turn prepared him for his future career in writing simple, profound books and preaching to the faithful. He is the author of How to Be Happy, All About the Angels, The Wonders of the Mass, Read Me or Rue It, An Easy Way to Become a Saint, and The Secret of Confession. Father O'Sullivan also founded the ???Catholic Printing Press??? and established the Rosary Association, one of several associations he created with the Church's permission. He wrote on and had a great devotion to St. Philomena as well. He died in 1958, on the Feast of the Presentation.