Petrified Hearts Book 2
The Contending
Jaclyn Zant
482 pages
Messianic Jewish Pub & Res Llc
We as Believers want to fight the good fight (1Tim. 6:12); we want to contend for out faith (Jude 1:3) and to stand firm for God. But as a wave crashing against the rocks, we may find ourselves contending against God-knowingly or unknowingly. At times, in our zeal for Him we resist His tugs in our heart, tenaciously clinging to what we know is good-not realizing God's desire is to exchange that good for something better. Still, other times, eclipsed by the storm clouds of our circumstances, our concepts of God's goodness and mercy are challenged-and we don't understand. So we resist Him-warring within, and kick against those goads that would prod us back into his embrace. In God's immeasurable Love, His intentions for us are good-and His purposes for us are always and ever for our good. But when He is momentarily concealed, will we choose to still believe this? God is truly merciful, but His mercies can be tender or severe-and just as the wave stirred by the storm, will we break against The Rock, or draw near and bow before it?