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Three Little Kittens Who Lost Their Mittens

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
Once upon a time Three Little Kittens went out to slide upon the ice. Old Mother Kit Cat called after them, “Dot, Tot, Trot, you have forgotten your mittens.” They came back pitter, patter, pitter, patter, as fast as their furry little feet would carry them. Old Mother Kit Cat said, “Oh Three Little Kittens, Come put on your mittens,” and she handed Dot a pair of red mittens, and Tot a pair of blue mittens, and Trot a pair of brown mittens, and the Three Little Kittens went merrily off to skate. “I don’t like to wear mittens,” said Dot. “I don’t like to either,” said Tot. Trot said, “Oh meow, they squeeze my paws.” Now, what do you suppose those naughty little kittens did? They took off their mittens and left them on the bank by the ice pond. They put on their cunning little skates and began to skate to and fro, to and fro, and the wind whistled and called, “I may freeze your paws and toes, Nobody knows—nobody knows.”