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The Strange Likeness

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
Stage dramas are accustomed to begin with Act One, Scene One; but the little drama of living presented in this story starts with the second act. The fact that the first act was for so long unknown to some of thedramatis personae permitted the mystery. “Adoring, dear?” A young gentleman entered the room as he spoke, smiling indulgently as he looked at his young wife, who bent over a white crib. The young man was perhaps twenty-seven years of age, neat in his gray suit, with the blue tie that matched his eyes, and carrying himself with an air of poise and quiet assurance. Soft fair hair with a wave that curled itself over an intelligent brow, and good, firm features were points that were no drawback to the gentleman’s attractive personality. Crossing the room, he put an arm around the slender figure of his wife and with her looked down at the sleeping baby. “Do you blame, me, honey?” whispered the young woman, responding to the embrace and drawing away from the crib a little as she laid a soft finger on her husband’s lips. “Don’t wake her. Isn’t she like a lovely little rosebud? Just look at her adorable little mouth and that wee, dimpled hand and arm. Oh, I’m so glad that I have her! “And what do you think of the nursery? Auntie’s taste is wonderful, you know, and she helped me. Why, Auntie is just crazy about the baby!” “I see where I am going to be entirely left out in the cold,” the young man remarked, but he did not look worried over the situation. “You will soon be as silly as I am,” laughed his wife. “Now promise me! You will never tell, will you?” “I have hesitated to promise, dear, because I think that no good ever comes of not knowing the truth.”