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The Pentateuch in Its Progressive Revelations of God to Men

108 pages
Library of Alexandria
IT is supposable that God might have made his entire written revelation of himself to men at once, through one inspired prophet and one only; in one definite locality (Eden or Jerusalem), and all brought within a twelve-month. But he did not deem this the wisest way. He preferred to speak at considerable intervals of time—through a long succession of “holy men of old;” “at sundry times and in diverse manners” (Heb. i: 1). Among the choice results of this progressive method we may name the following: (1.) That by means of it God made large and admirable use of history. This was revealing himself to men, not simply by his words but by his works. In ways which men could not well mistake, he was thus able to manifest himself as the God of nations; also as the God of families; and not least, as the God of individual men. It was vital to human welfare that he should place himself before men as being not a heathen Brumha, sunk in unconscious sleep for ages, but as the All-seeing, ever-active One, exercising a real government over men, ruling in equity and yet with loving-kindness; ever present amid all their activities and impressing himself upon the thought and the heart of the race. In this line of policy how admirably did he give promises to his servants to inspire their faith in himself; then prove that faith through years and ages of trial and delay; but at last confirm his word by its signal fulfillment! By what other method could He so effectually reveal himself as a personal God—the personal Friend of his trustful children—evermore worthy of their supreme confidence, whether they could or could not see at once all the reasons of his ways? His providential rule over nations as such found in this method ample scope for the fullest illustration. The record of this ruling in the ministrations of prosperity and adversity; in the rise and the ruin of great nations through the lapse of the world’s early centuries, constitute a marvelously rich portion of this progressive revelation of God to man.——A Bible made up of words from God without any deeds of God would be open to dangerous misunderstanding and thus might in great measure fail of its purpose. At best it would be tame and unimpressive compared with the method God has chosen of revealing himself largely in actual works at innumerable points along the ages for more than four thousand years. (2.) Again; no small gain accrued from the large number and various qualities of the holy men through whom God spake. The personal blessing to themselves was too rich to be limited to any one man. Rather let it be shared by many scores of men, standing forth before their respective generations age after age from Adam down to him of Patmos.——We may also note the large range of diversity in their personal character and in their endowments as authors. How varied were the circumstances of their lives and the moral trials which were the refiner’s fire to their spiritual life! How abundantly by this means did their personal experiences illustrate the ways of God with those who come nearest to him in the fullness of heart communion! How many chapters are thus provided of the most reliable most varied and easily applied Christian experience! By means of the diversity of inspired writers, the Bible is enriched with the charms of a large variety in style, as well as in the experiences of the Christian life. Among all the sacred penmen, no two minds are cast in the same mold. Poetry, eloquence, imagination, logic, sublimity, pathos—in what endless combinations do we find these gifts apportioned and manifested! How should we admire the wisdom which chose out men of gifts so diversified, and then adopted a method of inspiration which left each writer’s mind to the unrestrained development of its own peculiar genius.