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The Restoration of the Gospel

118 pages
Library of Alexandria
Was there any need during the early part of the nineteenth century of the Christian era for a restoration of the Gospel? Was there at that time any need for a re-establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ? These are vital questions that mean everything to the people of the world. If the Gospel, as it was established by the Son of God, remained on the earth from that day until the present, there was no necessity for, and there could not have been, a restoration. If the Church of Jesus Christ remained on the earth intact from the days of the Savior's ministry when He commissioned His Apostles and sent them into all the world to preach the Gospel, until the present day, it could not have been reestablished. If the Church did remain, undefiled—the guardian and advocate of the Gospel—then there was no need of the so-called "reformation" of the middle ages. If the Church was taken away from the earth, and the Gospel replaced by another which was a perverted, defiled, and man-made system, nothing short of a restoration would bring back to mankind that which was lost. Protestantism and the "reformation" did not and could not remedy the evil. That there was a need of a restoration of the Gospel and a re-establishment of the Church, with the accompanying Priesthood and power, is attested both by the pages of history and the doctrines and practices of the religious world; for these things point unmistakably to the fact of a universal departure from the Gospel and the Church established by the Redeemer. That such a condition would be, was clearly pointed out by many of the ancient prophets, who also foretold the restoration that should take place previous to the second coming of the Son of God. How any intelligent person can read and reflect upon the many events that have taken place since the days of the establishment of the Church by our Lord, to the present time, and not fully realize that there was a universal departure from the true faith, is a mystery. The strife, bloodshed, murders, bigotry and superstition, that prevailed in the name of the Christian religion, point conclusively to a departure from the faith. The pomp, the pride, the improper exercise of authority, the changed ordinances and the weaving of pagan philosophy into the religion of the people, the creation of new offices in the ministry, and a thousand and one other things in the practices and worship of those who professed to be followers of the Lord, prove beyond reasonable question, the departure from the Gospel that has been established by our Savior in the days of his Apostles, and the absolute necessity of a restoration. For many ages following the departure from the Gospel as it was introduced by the Author of our Salvation, the world was under the bondage of sin. All mankind, both clergy and laity, were united in the fallacious belief that the canon of scripture was full and complete; and, notwithstanding the predictions of those scriptures to the contrary, had declared that there was to be no more revelation, neither ministering of angels nor other heavenly manifestation of divine will. Such things, said they, were no longer needed and had been done away. The people, surrounded by spiritual darkness, were dependent upon the dead letter or the written word, as that word was interpreted by man-appointed and worldly-taught priests. Men who denied the authority and power of the holy Priesthood had taken honor unto themselves, changing the law and ordinances to suit their own convenience. There was no vision, and the people were perishing because none were sent with authority to teach them the order of heavenly things.