A Comprehensive Guide-Book to Natural, Hygienic and Humane Diet
Library of Alexandria
The fact that our physical, mental, and spiritual conditions are greatly influenced by the nature and quality of our daily food, and that, consequently, our welfare depends upon a wise selection of the same, is becoming generally recognized. Popular illusions concerning the value of flesh-food have been much dispelled during recent years by revelations concerning the physical deterioration of the flesh-consuming nations, and the comparative immunity from disease of people who live on purer and more natural food; also by a succession of remarkable victories won by fruitarians who have secured numerous athletic Championships and long distance Records. Demonstration has been provided by the Japanese, that a non-carnivorous and hygienic Race can out-march and out-fight the numerically superior forces of a colossal Empire; and that its national and social life can be characterized by conspicuous efficiency, sobriety, health, and vitality. A vast amount of emphatic personal and medical testimony to the advantages of the more simple and naturalfruitarian system of living is being given by thousands of witnesses who speak from experience; and such evidence is preparing the way for a complete change of popular thought and custom concerning dietetics.