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The Trapper's Daughter

A Story of the Rocky Mountains

281 pages
Library of Alexandria
In the present volume another series of Indian adventures is concluded, and the further career of the hero is described in the series beginning with the "Tiger-slayer." It must be understood, however, that the stories are not arbitrarily connected—each is complete in itself; but those who have read one volume will, I hope, be sufficiently interested in the hero to desire to know more of his career. The following, therefore, is the order in which the volumes should be read:— 1. TRAIL HUNTER. 2. PIRATES OF THE PRAIRIES. 3. THE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER. 4. TIGER SLAYER. 6. GOLD SEEKERS. 7. INDIAN CHIEF. In all probability, M. Aimard will favour us with other volumes; but, in the mean time, the above can be read collectively or separately, with equal interest.