Canzoni & Ripostes
Whereto Are Appended the Complete Poetical Works of T. E. Hulme
60 pages
Library of Alexandria
THE YEARLY SLAIN (WRITTEN IN REPLY TO MANNING'S "KORÈ.") "Et huiusmodi stantiae usus est fere in omnibus cantionibus suis Arnaldus Danielis et nos eum secuti sumus." DANTE, De Vulgari Eloquio, II. 10. Ah! red-leafed time hath driven out the rose And crimson dew is fallen on the leaf Ere ever yet the cold white wheat be sown That hideth all earth's green and sere and red; The Moon-flower's fallen and the branch is bare, Holding no honey for the starry bees; The Maiden turns to her dark lord's demesne. II