Bahaism and Its Claims
A Study of the Religion Promulgated by Baha Utlah and Abdul Baha
175 pages
Library of Alexandria
AMONG movements in the Mohammedan world in modern times Babi-Bahaism is one of the most interesting. It is a definite revolt from Islam within its own fold. It has won its way in Persia amid considerable persecution to a position as a separate religion. It has added another to the permanent sects of the Near East. There Christian missions, inspired to long-postponed effort to convert Mohammedanism, have come face to face with Bahaism as a new and aggressive force. It has laid out a program as a universal religion, has crossed the seas and aspires to convert Christendom. Interest in it has been increased by this propaganda in the West and by the visits to Europe for this purpose of its present head, Abdul Baha Abbas, in 1911 and 1912. Besides those who are interested in Bahaism as students of history and comparative religions, there are several classes who have shown marked favour to Bahaism. (1) One class are simply bent on seeking some novelty. They are well described by the Egyptian Gazette, of Alexandria, in speaking of the reception of Abdul Baha in London: “About the London meetings there was a certain air of gush and self-advertisement on the part of Baha’s friends, which was quite patent to all who are familiar with that kind of religion which will listen to anything so long as it is unorthodox, new, and sensational.“1 (2) Another class are believers in the truth of all great religions, and, with a vague pantheistic notion, recognize all great men as God-inspired. They are willing to put Baha Ullah and Abdul Baha on the list of true religious leaders. Such is Rev. R.J. Campbell, who, in receiving Abdul Baha in London, spoke of the “diverse religious faiths that are all aspects of the one religion,” and of the services as “a wonderful manifestation of the Spirit of God.” He said to the congregation: “We as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is to us and always will be the Light of the World, give greeting to Abdul Baha