The Lesser Key of Solomon
Library of Alexandria
This translation of the FIRST BOOK of the Lemegeton which is now for the first time made accessible to students of TALISMANIC MAGIC was done, after careful collation and edition, from numerous Ancient Manuscripts in Hebrew, Latin, and French, by G. H. Fra. D.D.C. F., by the order of the Secret Chief of the Rosicrucian Order. 1The G. H. Fra., having succumbed unhappily to the assaults of the Four Great Princes (acting notably under Martial influences), it seemed expedient that the work should be brought to its conclusion by another hand. The investigation of a competent Skryer into the house of our unhappyFra., confirmed this divination; neither ourFra. nor hisHermetic Mul. were there seen; but only the terrible shapes of the evilAdepts S.V.A. 2 and H., whose original bodies having been sequestered by Justice, were no longer of use to them. On this we stayed no longer Our Hand; but withdrawing Ourselves, and consulting the Rota, and the Books M. and Q. did decide to ask Mr. Aleister Crowley, a poet, and skilled student of Magical Lore, and an expertKabbalist, to complete openly that which had been begun in secret.. This is that which is written: His Bishoprick let another take. And again