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Vacation With the Tucker Twins

Library of Alexandria
THE BEACH. My first impression of Willoughby Beach gave me keen disappointment. It was so sandy, so flat, and so absolutely shadeless. I longed for the green hills far away and in my heart felt I could not stand a month of the lonesome stretches of sand and the pitiless glare of the summer sun. It took great self-control and some histrionic ability for me to conceal my emotions from my enthusiastic hostesses. The Tuckers had been coming to Willoughby for years and loved every grain of sand on the beach. They could hardly wait for the trolley from Norfolk to stop before they jumped out and raced down to the water’s edge just to dabble their hands in the ocean. My gracious me! How I hate to grow up! exclaimed Dum. One year ago I would have had off my shoes and been in bliss by this time. Well, maybe you are too grown up to wade, but I'm not, declared Dee. However, since Zebedee has trusted us to come down and open up the cottage, I fancy we had better go do it and get things ready for our guests