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Art Masters: Michelangelo

96 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited

This lavishly illustrated full-color hardback explores the life and work of Renaissance master Michelangelo, alongside a selection of his best work.

Michelangelo (1475-1564) was the ultimate Renaissance man: not just a painter, but a sculptor, architect and poet besides. He began his career as a sculptor, creating his famous works Pieta and David in his twenties. A master of the human figure, his understanding of its expressive possibilities remains striking, perhaps unparalleled, to this day.

Art historian Susan Hodge charts his remarkable life, from his training with the painter Ghirlandaio and at the Medici family's Humanist academy, to the high-stakes, high profile commissions of Pope Julius II, including the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the Last Judgement on the altar wall, and Julius II's own tomb.

Featuring timelines, textboxes and accessible analysis of his major works, this beautifully illustrated hardback makes a wonderful introduction to this incredible artist master.

ABOUT THE SERIES: The Art Masters series brings together beautiful hardback monographs of some of the most significant artists in history, looking at their lives, techniques and inspirations, as well as presenting a lavish selection of their best work.

Author Bio
Susie Hodge (MA, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts) has written numerous books on art and art history. She has also given lectures and held practical workshops, as well as taking part in television and radio programmes on art. Her books have received many awards and the Wall Street Journal described her book How to Survive Modern Art as a 'lesson in clarity'. She lives near London in the UK.