Raped at 11 years old, a hurting and disillusioned eventaully runs away from her broken family in search of anything that might stop the nightmares. In less than two days on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles, Brook Bello is kidnapped, beaten into submission, forced into drug addiction, and indoctrinated into the horrific world of human trafficking. Brook's mental health is now in decline and thoughts of suicide take over.
After cruel torture, trafficking and rape, chance throws an open door and Brook finds an escape. But she will discover that freedom is an inside job and much more than breaking the chains of her captors. She must now face the monstrous injuries left upon her heart and mind, body and soul. Step by step, Brook rebuilds her life, her relationships, and her deeply wounded self. To survive and learn to thrive she will slowly learn to trust, learn to love, and transform her torment and shame into a force for healing and education by becoming a guiding light for exploited survivors and the men that have hurt them, all over the world. This is a story of courage, of rebirth, and of hope. From out of the hellish darkness of her past, Brook shows us how she made her way to shame undone.
Author Bio
Brook Bello is an author, film-maker, thought leader, justice advocate, techie, survivor champion against human trafficking, and the Founding CEO Emeritus of More Too Life Foundation, an anti-human trafficking organization that provides direct victim care for nineteen years having rescued and served over 10,000 victims and the co-founder a new AI and Gaming mental healthcare tech start-up called VR Eval chosen by Techstars Founders Catalyst.
As an ordained minister and motivational speaker, Brook has spoken around the globe. She has been a consultant for the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Title X Clinics and Population Affairs National Human Trafficking Training with Global Centurion and the US Department of Justice having consulted on federal cases and received the Lifetime Achievement Award from President Obama in 2016. A Google Next Gen Fellow since 2017, Brook is an alumnus of the master’s Series of Distinguished Leaders and a new Global Sustainable Network (GSNGoal8) fellow. She was named advocate of the year by both the state of Florida and the US Department of Justice. She holds a US Patent in technology for the case management, AI, and machine learning virtual reality platform, a Phd in pastoral clinical counseling and 2 honoree doctorates.