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Test The Shroud

At the Atomic and Molecular Levels

Mark Antonacci

502 pages
Forefront Publishing Company
Scientific research surprisingly indicates that radiation, in a photographic-like process, most likely created the Shroud's images. When 19th and 20th century technologies were applied to this burial cloth, they dramatically improved the quality of its images and increased the number of their visible features to well over a hundred. Like an X-Ray, some bones in the hands and spine are even visible. Forensic research now indicates the Shroud is from Jerusalem in the 1st century and is of a dead man who incurred the same series of wounds and was crucified in exactly the same manner as Jesus. If sophisticated 21st century technology was applied to the Shroud at the atomic and molecular levels (along with new DNA testing techniques), they could tell us whether this radiation was particle radiation and whether its source was the dead body wrapped within this cloth. These techniques could not only tell us the age of the cloth, but when and where this miraculous event occurred and whether he was the historical Jesus.
Author Bio
Mark Antonacci is an attorney and author who has studied all aspects of the Shroud of Turin for 34 years. He wrote The Resurrection of the Shroud (New York: M. Evans and Co., 2000), the most comprehensive book ever written on the Shroud until his landmark book, Test the Shroud, was published in 2015.He gave the keynote address at the last international conference held in conjunction with the Shroud's exhibition in 2010. He has written the leading scientific hypothesis in a peer-reviewed scientific journal that not only explains the Shroud's body images, but also its radiocarbon dating, its excellent condition, its skeletal features, its pristine human blood marks, their still-red coloration, the possible outer side imaging, coin features, flower images and all of its other unique qualities. He has proposed that the Shroud be tested at the atomic and molecular levels which could answer outstanding questions related to this famous burial cloth.