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Digital Hesitation

Why B2B Companies Aren't Reaching Their Full Digital Transformation Potential

384 pages
Point B Inc

This digital transformation playbook provides details and guidance on the tactics required to build a profitable X-as-a-Service business model, including:

  • Digital customer experience
  • Data-driven sales
  • Customer success at scale
  • Digitally enabled partners
  • Outcome-aligned pricing

It’s the pragmatist's guide to managing a technology-centric B2B company through its next five years of development.

  • Learn what a full digital transformation looks like for technology providers and what your company will need to do to enable digital transformation at scale.
  • Discover the benefits of a complete digital transformation and how it will help unlock efficient growth and enable you to stay relevant and competitive in today’s technology market.
  • Get immediate takeaways on how you can use data and create a digital customer experience to improve product, sales, and service delivery.

If you want to boil down how the losers in the B2C wars of the last two decades got beat, it wasn't the product―it was the way they interacted with their customers. That's what digital transformation is supposed to be about.

Most B2B companies, the old ones AND the new ones, are struggling to truly innovate their operating models. Leading companies in high-tech, industrial, medical device, and other B2B tech markets are hesitating to take the steps necessary to change how they build and deliver their solutions.

They are carrying too much baggage―high labor costs, slow time to customer value, under-responsive sales and services―into a future that just won't stand for it. That's true even though the technologies are available to enable the changes NOW.

Digital Hesitation is a technology business book that examines why most B2B companies are failing to reach the full potential of their digital transformation efforts. It also examines, in detail, the specific actions they need to take on the eight toughest challenges we see at the TSIA.

This business book on digital transformation was written from the perspectives of a dozen experts who interact and advise the world's top technology companies every day. It covers high-level issues like influencing the board to fully commit to digital transformation, to specific topics like the next generation of sales and services operating models.

Author Bio

J.B. Wood
J.B. Wood is president and CEO of the Technology & Services Industry Association (TSIA), the leading association for today's technology and services organizations. Through TSIA, Wood advises the world's largest B2B technology companies on strategies to increase growth and profitability through the optimization of their services, sales, product, and channel operations.

Wood is a best-selling author and frequent industry speaker on the topics of business outcome engineering, X-as-a-Service (XaaS) business models, transformations in the traditional customer-supplier relationship, and TSIA's LAER customer engagement model (Land, Adopt, Expand, and Renew).

He has also appeared in such leading publications as Fortune, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.

Thomas Lah
Thomas Lah is the executive director and executive vice president of the Technology & Services Industry Association (TSIA). For over 20 years, Thomas has been helping some of the world's largest technology companies improve the efficiency of their daily operations. He is the author of many popular books on trends affecting the tech industry, host’s TSIA’s podcast, TECHtonic: Trends in Technology and Services, and oversees TSIA’s executive research team.

Thomas is also a sought-after industry speaker on the topics of optimizing technology service businesses within product companies, business outcome engineering, customer success funding models, X-as-a-Service (XaaS) financial models, the art of helping customers successfully adopt technology, and the latest market trends impacting technology organizations worldwide. From 2002-2019, Thomas taught an MBA class at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business, which is based on his writings.