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Mary Ellen Chase

Islandport Press
The third of Mary Ellen Chase's Maine novels (following Mary Peters and Silas Crockett), Windswept is the romantic and tumultuous saga of a Maine family who makes its home Down East. Spanning six decades, starting in the late nineteenth century, the novel depicts their lives as they meet head on the joys and challenges of the changing and encroaching world and eventually, World War II. Through it all, their home provides the family with a safe haven in which to sink their roots as they strive to nurture their humanity and spirituality, all the while surrounded by the natural beauty of the Maine coast. Windswept was a national bestseller and the biggest seller of Chase's career.
Author Bio
Mary Ellen Chase (1887-1973) was born and raised in Blue Hill, Maine. She graduated from the University of Maine and earned a PhD from the University of Minnesota before serving thirty years as a leading faculty member at Smith College in Massachusetts. She has written more than thirty books, many using her cherished Maine heritage as the setting, capturing the unique spirit and chronicling a way of life for generations. She stood as one of the leading writers of her era.