GIS Fundamentals, 7th Edition
A First Text on Geographic Information Systems
744 pages
Eider Press
Geographic Informations Systems are Computer-based tools for the entry, maintenance, and analysis of spatial data. GIS are critical for effective resource management, and have been applied across a wide range of science, business, and government projects.
This book provides an introduction to the theory and application of GIS. It is written for use in a first-year GIS class and as a reference for the GIS practitioner. This seventh edition balances theoretical and practical material, so that people may apply knowledge of GIS in the solution of real-world problems. Each chapter has been updated, with over 40 new/improved figures. Topics treated include an introduction to GIS, spatial data models, map projections, data entry, image data, GNSS, digital data, database systems, general spatial analysis, raster analysis, terrain modeling, metadata, standards, and accuracy