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Attune Your Body with Dao-In

Hua-Ching Ni

Sevenstar Communications
When Every Day Is Saturday is a how-to book: how to plan for a happy, meaningful retirement. The Grace Retirement Inventory (GRI) sets a fast opening pace and prompts thoughtful, focused questions about retirement. Some retirees seem to have failed badly; many others appear to be happy and successful. What was their guide to success? Dr. Grace's research with seven hundred retirees differentiates this book from all others. Six central themes are developed: 1) freedom and leisure, 2) financial independence, 3) separation from work, 4) family and friends, 5) health and 6) helping others. Readers evaluate their attitude toward each of these themes; this simple measure predicts their happiness in retirement. The writing is concise, interspersed with comments and stories from the lives of current retirees. Inclusion of these vignettes adds hope, inspiration and a dash of realism to what lies ahead for every working adult.
Author Bio
Hua-Ching Ni is the author of over sifty books in Chinese and forty in English on philosophy, Chinese medicine, Tai Chi Chuan, Taoist meditation and related subjects His practice of Chinese medicine and herbology spanned over five decades in China, Taiwan and the U.S. He has been invited to lecture world-wide on such subjects as religion, natural philosophy and practice for spiritual growth.