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Teachings of Hui Neng: Mother of Spiritual Independence

Hua-Ching Ni

Sevenstar Communications
Enlightenment is the inspiring story of Hui Neng, 6th Patriarch and father of Zen Buddhism. Although intellectually unsophisticated, Hui Neng became a true spiritual revolutionary who said that You have been programmed to believe that a godly way of life is different from what you are doing right here, right now. This is the main obstacle that you need to overcome.
Author Bio
Hua-Ching Ni, author, teacher and healer, addresses the essential nature of human life and works to further the personal growth and spiritual development of this and future generations. Raised in a long family tradition of healing and spirituality, Hua-Ching Ni spent his youth learning from highly-achieved masters in the mountains of China. He is the beneficiary of a broad spiritual tradition passed down since the golden age of China and is the author of over 40 books on Taoism, natural healing and spirituality.