Overcoming Obstacles
Swami Satchidananda
84 pages
Integral Yoga Publications
"One's whole life is an obstacle course. The more obstacles you overcome, the bigger the prize. If you avoid the obstacles, then there is no prize. Without those obstacles, you would never discover your capabilities. So instead of cursing the obstacles on your path, or the people who placed them there, try to find ways that will help you face them and overcome them. And when you do, a great joy will arise within you and you will bless the obstacles instead of cursing them." This quote from "Overcoming Obstacles" captures the flavor of total positive thinking with which Swami Satchidananda teaches us to approach life's inevitable challenges and convert all to opportunities for victory, fun, fulfillment and joy. Full of practical and priceless guidance.
Author Bio
Sri Swami Satchidananda was one of the first Yoga masters to bring the classic yoga tradition to the West. Invited to America in 1966 by the iconic pop artist Peter Max, he taught yoga postures, meditation, and a compassionate vegetarian lifestyle. In 1969, he opened the Woodstock Festival and became known to an entire generation as "the Woodstock Guru". Swami Satchidananda founded the global Integral Yoga ® organization, Satchidananda Ashram - Yogaville ® and the Light of Truth Universal Shrine (Lotus.org)