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My Science, My Religion

Academic Papers (1994-2009)

Michael Cremo

Torchlight Publishing
This book is a collection of twenty-four papers that Michael A. Cremo, who is not a professional scientist, presented at scientific and academic conferences. Versions of some of these papers have appeared in peer-reviewed academic publications. In these papers, Cremo explores the relationship between science and religion, in terms of his specific scientific and religious commitments. Many of the papers in this book deal with archeological evidence for extreme human antiquity, consistent with the Puranic histories. Other papers explore the history of archeology in India. In his book Human Devolution, Cremo presented a Vedic alternative to the current theory of human origins. Some of the papers in My Science, My Religion are related to this topic. This collection will be of interest to theologians, scientists, historians of science, philosophers of science, and scholars of science and religion.
Author Bio
Michael A. Cremo is an international authority on archeological anomalies. He lectures extensively worldwide. A research associate of the Bhaktivedanta Institute, he specializes in the history and philosophy of science. He is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archeologists.