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Character Strengths Intervention Cards

Matthijs Steeneveld

116 pages
Hogrefe Publishing Corporation
The VIA character strengths look at what positive character traitshelp us lead fulfilling and happy lives, rather than looking at what iswrong with us. Research has shown that knowing your strengthsand using them more often leads to greater well-being, betterperformance, and more resilience. With these cards, you can helpclients learn the language of character strengths.This full-color 50-card set provides cards for each of the 24 VIAcharacter strengths and 6 virtues as well as information cards tohand out in groups and individual sessions. On top of that, 16 readyto-use, evidence-based intervention cards help clients discoverstrengths, explore how they work, and practice applying strengthsmore often. The cards are a valuable addition to the toolboxes ofcoaches, trainers, and therapists from any background.The card set is an excellent resource to use with the book CharacterStrengths Interventions: A Field Guide for Practitioners by Ryan M.Niemiec (ISBN 978-0-88937-492-8).
Author Bio
Matthijs Steeneveld; PhD; Leiderdorp, The Netherlands