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Personality Disorders

A Clarification-Oriented Psychotherapy Treatment Model

Rainer Sachse

254 pages
Hogrefe Publishing Corporation

This practice-oriented guide presents a model of personalitydisorders (PDs) based on the latest research showing that “pure”PDs are due to relationship disturbances. The reader gains conciseand clear information bout the dual-action regulation model and the framework for clarification-oriented psychotherapy, whichr elates the relationship dysfunction to central relationship motivesand games. Practical information is given on how to behave with clients and clear therapeutic strategies based on a five-phase modelare outlined to help therapists manage interactional problems intherapy and to assist clients in achieving effective change. The eight pure personality disorders (narcissistic, histrionic, dependent, avoidant, schizoid, passive-aggressive, obsessive-compulsive, and paranoid) are each explored in detail so the reader learns about the specific features of each disorder and the associated interactional motives, dysfunctional schemas, and relationship games and tests, as well as which therapeutic approaches are appropriate for aparticular PD. As the development of a trusting therapeuticr elationship is difficult with this client group, detailed strategies and tips are given throughout. This book is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, counselors, coaches, and students.

Author Bio
Rainer Sachse; PhD; Institute for Psychological Psychotherapy, Bochum, Germany