The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care
Olle Jane Z. Sahler
Julia B. Frank
João V. Nunes
John E. Carr
572 pages
Hogrefe Publishing Corporation
The fourth edition of The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care is aninvaluable resource for those educating the next generation of physiciansand other health care providers. This easy-to-use text presentssuccinct information about a wide variety of neurological, social, andpsychological sciences from a unified perspective of the complex evolutionaryprocesses of gene–individual–environmental interaction,breathing new life into the biopsychosocial model so essential to understandinghuman behavior.The book is organized in sections covering Regulatory Systems, Basicand Higher Order Homeostatic Systems, Development Through theLife Cycle, Social and Cultural Issues, Societal and Behavioral HealthChallenges, The Health Care System, Policy, and Economics; The ClinicalRelationship; and Psychopathology. In this edition, numerouschapters have been extensively revised to include the most up-to-dateinformation and to integrate the DSM-5 classification. A new chapterdeals with pain and a new appendix on psychological testing has beenadded.Each chapter begins with guidance questions and ends with currentrecommended readings, resources, and review questions. A complete335 question-and-answer multiple choice USMLE-type exam sectionnot only allows readers to assess how well they have learned the material,but also highlights important points and adds additional specificinformation to supplement the text.This text is particularly suited for use in systems-based and casebasedcurricula that can be used creatively in flipped classroomsand other active learning environments. Accessible and clear, withoutoversimplification, the book facilitates interdisciplinary education,providing a common core of knowledge applicable in many fields, includingmedicine, nursing, psychology, and social work.
Author Bio
Olle Jane Z. Sahler, MD, is Professorof Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Medical Humanities,and Oncology at the Universityof Rochester School of Medicine.Julia B. Frank, MD, is a former Professorand Director of Medical Student Educationin Psychiatry at George WashingtonUniversity School of Medicine.João V. Nunes, MD, is Associate MedicalProfessor at the City University ofNew York School of Medicine in NewYork City.John E. Carr, PhD, ABPP, is ProfessorEmeritus of Psychiatry and BehavioralSciences and Psychology at the Universityof Washington.