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Sex and Gender Differences Revisited

Topical Issue of the Zeitschrift FUr Psychologie / Journal of Psychology

143 pages
Hogrefe Publishing Corporation
Sex and gender are probably the most investigated interindividual factors in all areas of psychology. Although they have been studied for more than a hundred years there has been an explosion of theories and research in this area in the past several years. There is still debate as to whether psychological differences between men and women truly exist and if so where they originate from. New research takes into account biological and social factors as well as the interaction between the two and addresses ‘‘the small difference’’ within this psychobiosocial approach. The focus of this topical issue of the Zeitschrift fu¨r Psychologie / Journal of Psychology on ‘‘Sex and Gender Differences Revisited—New Perspectives and New Findings’’ is limited neither to bio-/ neuropsychological nor to social or educational psychological research but seeks to encourage submissions that particularly advance knowledge with new perspectives—such as the explicit integration of different approaches within a psychobiosocial view.