Title Thumbnail

Childhood Maltreatment

Christine Wekerle David Wolfe Judith A. Cohen Daniel S. Bromberg Laura Murray

88 pages
Hogrefe Publishing Corporation
The new edition of this popular evidence-based guide bringstogether all the latest knowledge about the forensic assessment,diagnosis, and treatment of childhood maltreatment, with particularemphasis on the current gold standard approach – trauma-focusedCBT.
Author Bio
Laura Murray; PhD; Department of Mental Health, Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore, MDDavid Wolfe; PhD, ABPP; CAMH Centre for Prevention Science,London, ON, Canada

Christine Wekerle; PhD; Department of Pediatrics, McMasterUniversity, Hamilton, ON, Canada

Please note correct author order for this title:

Wekerle, Wolfe, Cohen, Bromberg, Murray - thanks

Judith A. Cohen, MD, Center for Traumatic Stress in Children &Adolescents, Drexel University College of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PADaniel S. Bromberg; PhD, ABPP; Special Psychological Services, Bloomfield, NJ