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The Great Human Race

How to Endure in the Marathon of Life

Knute Larson

180 pages
BMH Books

All of us are running.

At issue is not with whom we compete, but what course we take and how we finish.

It is the race of life -- The Great Human Race.

Knute Larson writes candidly and honestly about running in the marathon of life. He knows it's not easy. As a runner himself, Larson uses the imagery of running and compares it to life and personal discipline.

In a time of fear and uncertainty, join Knute Larson in this most personal book as he talks about issues of the heart and struggles we all face.

Finding courage one step at a time --

Toward the right finish.

Author Bio
Knute Larson is a pastoral and personal coach and teacher who draws on 41 years as a pastor in Ohio at The Chapel, Akron and Grace, Ashland. He lives by the sand dunes in southwest Michigan with his wife of 56 years, Jeanine, near their two married daughters. Knute has five other books, one on the Epistles from which he coaches pastors and preaches in churches.