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The Three Princes

Lifting the Veil on the Unseen World

Tom Julien Neil T. Anderson

190 pages
BMH Books
Throughout history, three princes have exercised authority over the earth. The rule of the first, Adam, was pitifully short. His authority was stolen by Satan, the second prince, who brought unspeakable suffering to mankind. This began the supreme drama of all time, the drama of redemption. It is a drama that finds its climax in Satan’s defeat and the triumph of the third prince, Jesus Christ, who became a man in order to win back what the first man had lost. To grasp the magnitude of this drama, in which each of us is playing a significant role, we must lift the veil of the visible and peer into the mysteries of the unseen world. Read these pages as you would read a drama. Plunge your mind deeply into God’s revelation of His great plan; you will gain new insights into truths that may have become commonplace for you. May you begin each new day by reaffirming your authority in Christ, seated in Him at the right hand of God. And may you go into your world clothed with His armor, filled with His power, armed with the sword of His Spirit, and permeating your life with prayer.
Author Bio
Tom Julien served as a ground-breaking missionary and leader in France from 1958 until he was asked to return home in 1986 to become the executive director of Grace Brethren Foreign Missions (which became Grace Brethren International Missions – GBIM in 1995 and is now known as Encompass World Partners).