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Things to Come

James L. Boyer

130 pages
BMH Books

To know the future - is a subject that holds great fascination to the general public. Throughout the ages of man there have been those who promised to be able to foretell. Most have been doomed to failure; a select group, the true prophets of God, have been the exception.

The predictions found in the Word of God are in a class by themselves. It is in God's Word where truths are unfolded and prophecies are made that never fail. This study guide by Dr. James Boyer deals with some of the major themes of Bible prophecy, and we know it will hold for you hours of profitable Bible study.

It is a carefully prepared, well-developed study guide covering the major topics of Bible prophecy with clear terminology and helpful outlines. Past prophecies, future prophecies and "You in Prophecy" are topics discussed. Plus, a helpful chapter on "Prophetic Teaching: Its Practical Values."

Author Bio
Dr. James L. Boyer is Professor Emeritus of Greek and New Testament at Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana, and has authored three Bible charts. He attended Ashland College (A.B.), Ashland Theological Seminary, Bonebrake Theological Seminary (B.D.), Oberlin School of Theology, (S.T.M), Grace Theological Seminary (Th.D.) and the Professorial Workshop in Israel of New York University. He also served for one term as Resident Director of the Near East School of Archaeology in Jerusalem.