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Dreaming the End of the World

Apocalypse as a Rite of Passage

Michael Hall Ortiz

210 pages
Spring Publications
Ortiz Hill looks closely into one hundred end-of-world dreams and uncovers the myths ruling our fears and hopes. In his foreword to this new edition, Ortiz Hill calls September 11, 2001 "the blade of initiation, dividing who we were from who we are called to be . . . I invite the reader to the wilderness, to the beginning of the apocalyptic rite of passage . . . I offer this book with a single caveat: Beware the seduction of the image, mine and others, for the myth of apocalypse seeks to enthrall us into an epic fiction with very real consequences. Beware the fascination with what is larger than life, this vulgar Passion Play that would crucify the world."